Get Ready!
The NYC's
Most Anticipated Night in
Konpa Music is Returning in 2025!


Presented by Jaz Enterprise, the annual La Nuit Des Jeunes concert is a celebration of Konpa music that showcases French Caribbean heritage and culture. This year's festivities will take place from March 28, 2025 through March 30, 2025.
Thousands of people of Caribbean descent from the tri-state area and beyond are expected to attend the event, which has maintained an ongoing tradition of fun and entertainment for all participants. Each year, La Nuit Des Jeunes has proven to be an exceptional occasion that is not only hailed by attendees but by sponsors and performers. Continuing in the tradition of a sensational affair, La Nuit Des Jeunes 2025 promises to be a superior experience.


LNDJ 2024 Event Photos

About Jaz Enterprise
30 Years of Excellence in Entertainment
Founded in 1995, Jaz Enterprise is a respected pioneer and leader in the Caribbean-American music and entertainment industry. With a New York focus, but international appeal, Jaz Enterprise remains a competitive event production mainstay by identifying new music trends, recognizing today's up and coming artists, and expanding business relationships. For over three decades, Jaz Enterprise has produced a portfolio of cultural events and sold-out concerts featuring world-renowned artists. Through innovative marketing techniques, programs and services, JE continues to blaze trails as a premier specialized entertainment provider and proud member of the world music community. For more information follow us on social media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @JazEnterprise.

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